
I want to start this blog by explaining our key priorities and how they drive us to offer this service to clients. These are the critical aspects that dictate our decision-making as we design, build and manage websites for our users.


There is tons of research out there talking about how load times and overall page speed impact the end-user experience. Simply put, faster websites have lower bounce rates and create more conversions which creates more revenue. This is critical to any business looking to offer a product or service over the web. Slow loading pages create lost money. No bueno!

Not to mention, in the past several years page speed has become a more important factor in the ranking of websites by search engines like Google and Bing. When was the last time you visited page 2 of your search engine results? Clearly, ranking poorly will hugely impact your business or brand’s ability to be discovered by new people. Also no bueno!

Now, here is a small exercise for those of you running your own websites already: Run you site through a performance and optimization test like Pingdom or GTMetrix and see how well you rank compared to the masses.


Along with speed, we also prioritize user and data security. Why? Because having your identity stolen is no fun. Not to mention, security is also starting to heavily impact search engine rankings, as well. These things, and the fact that most everything is done over the Internet these days, mean that by not taking web security seriously, you’re buying a ticket on the 6 o’clock express to No Bueno…town…You get the point.

On a related note, here is a fun little tool to give you some in-depth analysis on the strength of your passwords.

Open Source

Our final priority is to employ and utilize open source technology in a significant manner. Not to go all Richard Stallman on you but this programmer feels that software, once you get past all the VC dollars and trendy buzzwords, is really about helping people be more effective. Now, there are some who say that code is art, and if you accept that premise, than I hope you agree that art can have an impact when it is shared with others. That’s what Open Source is all about and that’s why we embrace it here at Zero Daedalus.

Coming Soon

In the future I plan on using this blog to explore some of the finer details of the services that we provide, the websites that we build and the technologies that we use in the process. Hope you stay tuned.

Need a website? Looking to upgrade an old website? Get a free consult and we can have you up and running within 24 hours.

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